Australia’s Own® Bovita® is a concentrated liquid food source – Bovine Tracheal Cartilage (BTC). Bovita® represents a major breakthrough in the development of a 100% naturally delivered BTC concentrate. BTC is a true wholefood comprising Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) including Glucosamine & Chondroitin as part of an extremely complex & balanced overall structure. This in stark contrast to many powdered products currently available which contain up to 60% dextrose (sugar). Alternatively, Bovita ®contains no artificial preservatives, flavours or colouring & is the natural choice of those looking to maximise their general health & precious quality of life.
Bio-available = Maximum Nutritional Potential
Cartilage is a food that is well known to be difficult to digest. This factor may drastically detract from its ability to naturally energise the body . Bio-availability of Bovita® is enhanced due to a natural process of gentle biological reduction, as opposed to denatured or heavily processed BTC, usually found in powdered form. In simple terms, this means it is able to be both absorbed & retained in the body in order to derive its maximum potential.
*Bovita® is not a reconstituted mixture (made via powder blending) & is created utilising only 100% natural BTC in its raw state.
Bovita® was formulated as a digestive-friendly food to be easily consumed in even difficult situations. Being in the form of virtually predigested food, its absorption will not further tax the digestive processes. This liquid formula will not encourage the formation of decaying residues often caused by incomplete protein digestion. Biologically reduced BTC in liquid form offers rapid absorption & retention of the many excellent natural attributes of this amazing food.
Best & Safest Option
The isolation of these elements is in effect illogical via rejection of the overall natural synergistic elements contained in the wholefood product – i.e. BTC.
However, due to their demonstrated ability to strengthen & restore connective tissue & corresponding anti-inflammatory benefits, both Glucosamine & Chondroitin enjoy immense popularity.
The original wholefood product ie; natural BTC, will always be the more consumer friendly & therefore better option. Natural foods contain many co factors which are present for good reasons, the most important being specific design for human consumption.
BTC’s maximum natural potential is retained & delivered in Bovita®.
Best hygiene
The processing of Bovita® takes place under stringent quality controlled conditions in a Government Registered Establishment approved for export under AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspection Service) guidelines. All care is taken at every stage to maintain the highest standard of product integrity & purity.
Best Value
Greater bio availability is the key & this makes for reduced consumption resulting in substantial savings to the consumer. As little as just 2 -3 teaspoons of Bovita® daily is a great natural boost to dietary intake. This serving suggestion may be safely doubled or even tripled if desired.
Best convenience
When mixed in drinks, powders may leave an unpleasant gritty sensation in the mouth. Not so Bovita®, which blends easily with various fruit or vegetable juices & is best consumed before meals for maximum absorption. Being a totally non-toxic food, Bovita® may be enjoyed on an ongoing daily basis as part of an overall healthy dietary strategy.
In line with our ongoing commitment to ensure both supply of quality product & furthermore in raising general awareness regarding BTC, please note the following:
1. Hyaline is a generic term. Recently a false perception has been created concerning hyaline cartilage supposedly being a “special” or superior product. This is totally untrue. Hence the Collins dictionary definition:- hyaline cartilage n. a common type of cartilage with a translucent matrix containing little fibrous tissue.
2. Australia’s Own® is not aligned with any such product or related individual/s or company making therapeutic representations for BTC.
2. Heavy metals in Bovine Tracheal Cartilage? According to Dr Greg Harper (Australia’s foremost Cartilage expert) the question of potential contamination via heavy metals in BTC is in fact a reality despite literature to the contrary. The only real protection against such contamination is AQIS certification. Without such certification, no trace exists to the raw material source (animal stock) used in processing of liquid or powdered Bovine cartilage. Under AQIS procedures each animal is certified & traceable with testing carried out on a continual basis to ensure safety for human consumption.
Australia’s Own® is proud to offer Bovita® as a certified quality controlled product complying with all AQIS standards. In addition, as per strict Quality Assurance & management procedures, further independent testing is commissioned for each batch of Bovita® ensuring total product integrity. Bovita® is furthermore guaranteed to be free of herbicide and pesticide residues, BSE (mad cow), hormones or heavy metal contamination.
NB: Not suitable for pregnant & nursing mothers, children, those recovering from surgery, heart attack or major accident.
Bovita® is a registered trademark of Australia’s Own® Pty Ltd
This information is not intended as medical advice. A health care professional should be consulted in relation to all medical conditions. Vitamins & minerals may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Patrickkirty –
Шаврин Александр Валерьевич Алматы
Thanks, this website is really handy.
Шаврин Александр Валерьевич Алматы
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